My second time out of Melbourne airport, without any great drama on the fire front but visibility was still poor, so God knows what route we took. Our descent into Auckland was clear enough despite the intricate topography of the area. Then I had to clear bio-control again. I do it voluntarily: I don't want to be spreading yet more noxious aliens around the world. I got my boots cleaned for nothing. OK, maybe I'm not that altruistic.
So, out into the terminal, where Beryl was waiting. She had flown in from Sydney an hour before, 12,000 miles and more than half a year from our last meeting. Doesn't the world seem such a small place? We picked up the car I had booked and headed for her hostel. I only managed to stall the motor a couple of times before remembering it was not automatic.
Beryl navigated us just fine into the CBD, then we went a little wrong. Roadworks didn't help, nor did various streets with pretty much the same name, but we got there. Then on to Burger Fuel and a very good burger, as the name would suggest. The helpful locals down Ponsonby Road recommended it although how sober they were is doubtful.
I had to get on to my old Uni friend, Tony, up in Coatesville, so our meal was brief, with just time for the one photo call, as shown. ⇐ ⇒
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