This is an attractive bird in breeding plumage. I've seen individuals pass in the autumn when they don't have the red colouring or the black mottling on the back. This picture of a juvenile only does part justice to the plumage, which was on full display at Upton this afternoon. Also present were redshanks, lapwings, little (ringed) plovers, a (big) ringed plover and avocets, some with offspring.
The powers-that-be have decided that the little ringed plover (LRP) is not to be ringed any more but is still to be little, despite not being appreciably so. It all sounds a bit dubious to me. (Ho-ho! LRP is charadrius dubius.)
Such was the scene at the Flashes, the southern end of the reserve. At the Moors Pool, late sand martins joined the local house martins and swallows. Perhaps the sand martins are breeding nearby, they're so late? I wonder where? And perhaps they always did: I have June and July records from 1998. Anyone any ideas?
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